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Terms & Conditions

All you need to know.

Service agreement.

§ 1
The Seller


1. The owner of the Oakly, furniture online store – hereinafter referred to as “the Shop” – is the producer of Beskidzka Pracownia Stolarska Pawel Kuglarz, brand furniture, Pawel Kuglarz (hereinafter referred to as “the Seller”), running the company: “Beskidzka Pracownia Stolarska Pawel Kuglarz”, address: ul. Stara 6, 34-340, Jelesnia, Poland, VAT ID No. PL 5532564591, E-mail address: info[at], phone +48575 605 152.

2. The present Regulations describe the rules of use of the Online Shop, in particular the obligations and rights of the Seller and the Customer, the method of submitting orders and the signing and release of the purchase-sale contracts concerning the Seller’s products offered through the Online Shop. Subsequently, the regulations presented determine the creation rules of the aforementioned contracts and the complaint and data protection rules. The regulations presented also determine the rules of e-commerce services.

3. The use of the online shop implies compliance with the regulations. The signing of a sales contract is conditional on the customer’s acceptance of the regulations.

4. Customers can access these regulations free of charge at any time.

5. Customers can contact the Seller by e-mail, telephone or in writing (contact details as in § 1 par. 1 of these Rules), whereas orders from our customers are placed by order form, in accordance with § 4 of these Rules. The Seller shall not charge the Customer for any additional costs of distance communication. The customer is only required to pay in accordance with the signed contract and its components, including the communication channel.

6. All advertisements, promotions, prices and other information published on the website of the online shop and relating to the products displayed there are not an offer according to the Civil Code, but an invitation to conclude a contract in relation to section 71 of the Civil Code.

7. The present regulations are addressed to both detailed and business customers who use the online shop, apart from § 7 and § 8, which are only addressed to consumers, and also apart from the regulations that are clearly addressed to consumers.


§ 2


Oakly products, graphics and descriptions are the property of Oakly store and may not be copied or used for commercial purposes without permission.


§ 3
Services by electronic means


1. The Seller conducts its service electronically by sharing order forms on the website of the Online Shop. The seller then allows its customers to create a customer account in the online shop and also to keep a newsletter for the customers if permission is given to do so.

2. The order form allows customers to place their orders (declaration of intent) for products offered through the online shop in the name of the producer, in accordance with § 3 of these regulations. The service is free and one-time. The service is completed immediately after the order is submitted.

3. The customer account service includes the option of data reminder of the customer by the online shop to facilitate possible later orders. For this purpose, the customer should provide their login and password, which are required to access the account. The login and password are a set of characters, created by the customer, which the customer must keep secret and not disclose to unauthorised and third parties. The “Customer Account” service is free of charge without a limited period of time. The Customer may, at any moment, without giving any reason and without paying any additional fees, delete his account by sending the Seller a request to delete the account, in writing or by e-mail, to the contact details of the Seller, in accordance with § 1 par. 1 of the Rules.

4. The newsletter service is used to send information sheets about news and offers in the online shop to the customer’s mailbox. The newsletter service is free of charge for an unlimited period of time. The Customer may at any time, without giving any reason and without paying any additional fees, cancel the agreement to receive newsletters by clicking on the link sent in the e-mail confirming the agreement to receive the newsletter or by sending a request to the Seller, in writing or by e-mail, to the Seller’s contact details, in accordance with Section 1, paragraph 1 of the Rules.

5. In order to use the electronically provided services, a PC or other mobile device (e.g. a tablet) is required that is equipped with Internet access and an operating system that enables browser use (e.g. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari), in the recommended minimum display resolution of 1024×768 Px or higher and with the possibility to operate JavaScript and active e-mail accounts.

6. The Seller informs that the main risks associated with the use of electronic (Internet-connected) services include, among others, viruses, Trojans, spam (messages sent to many recipients at the same time without confirmation of delivery) and intrusion by third parties (hackers). It is in the interest of every user of Internet-connected services to install legal and up-to-date anti-wiring programmes that protect the customer’s device from the aforementioned dangers.

7. Customers are obliged to use the service of the online shop in accordance with the law and with good manners, with attention to respecting personal rights, copyrights and property of the online shop and third persons, in particular, refraining from delivering legally unacceptable content and intruding into the content of the online shop or its technical elements.

8. Complaints concerning the electronic service can be sent in writing or by e-mail to the contact details of the seller, in accordance with § 1 paragraph 1 of the regulation. It is recommended, if possible, to add a description of the complaint:(1) information and circumstances concerning the product complained about, especially the type and date when irregularities occurred;(2) expectations of the customer; and (3) contact details of the customer submitting the complaint. Complaints will be considered by our seller within 14 days of the complaint being submitted.


§ 4
The purchase/sale contract conclusion procedure


1. The Seller offers products to its customers via the online shop of the website ““.

2. Each product is individually made to order and has its own unique characteristics, colours and grain depending on the wood party (in relation to this, certain wood elements may differ slightly from those in the photos). The colour characteristics of the products may differ from the original ones because of the user browser or display characteristics. However, these differences are small and do not affect the quality of the products.

3. In order to complete the purchase, the Customer should submit his/her order via the online shop of the website Completing the purchase” should be understood as selecting the type and number of products, submitting the order, going to the shopping basket and clicking “Checkout”, filling in the order details, selecting the payment method and then accepting and sending the order by clicking the “Buy and pay” button. The Seller informs that orders submitted via the online shop entail the obligation to pay. The submission of an order by the Customer is, in accordance with the law, an offer to conclude a sales contract for the ordered products. contract of sale of ordered products, according to Art. 66 § 1 of the Polish Civil Code.

4. After submission of the order by the customer, confirmation of the receipt of the order will be sent immediately to the e-mail address provided, in which the confirmation of the receipt of the order and all information on the further procedure (indication of the account number) is written. Upon receipt of the order by the customer, a purchase/sale contract is concluded between the customer and the seller. Electronic messages of this type show a confirmation of the conclusion of a distance contract.


§ 5
The ordering of modified products, according to customer guidelines


The ordering of mified products, according to customer guidelines1.  Apart from standard products offered on the website of our online shop “”, the seller also offers the possibility to modify products of the Oakly brand according to customer guidelines. This concerns the following characteristics: dimensions, the thickness of the tabletop, wood finish, type of material and the colour of the metal.

2. To submit a non-standard order, the Client must contact the Seller, via the contact form on the website or by e-mail address:, indicating the modification range and the product in question. The Seller will evaluate the technical possibilities of creating the appropriately configured piece of furniture and prepare a preliminary invoice. The agreement of the characteristics of the individual order by electronic means is binding and is a part of the purchase/sale contract.

3. Products that are not included in the offer and are produced with modified dimensions at the special request of the customer have a guarantee, but are not provided with the right to withdraw from the contract, and therefore not with the right of return.

4. The conclusion of the contract via the online shop is conducted in English.


§ 6
Prices and payment


1. The prices of the products presented on the website of the online shop are gross prices incl. VAT (i.e. the price includes all components, customs costs and taxes are not included) and are indicated in the currency (GBP). The price is binding and final at the moment of the order submission by the customer.

2. The shipping costs are indicated individually for each product in each offer.

3. Payment for the ordered goods can be made by prepayment in the following forms:

a) Bank transfer to the account of the seller within 7 days after signing the contract,

b) Bank card: (Stripe) Master Card, VISA, American Express


4. The seller starts the realisation of the order after receipt of payment

5. Invoices will be issued for all products ordered from the Seller’s online shop.


§ 7


1. The Products ordered by the Customer will be delivered to the address indicated in the Order Form by the Seller or by means of an outside company.

2. Shipping to the customer is subject to a charge unless the sales contract provides otherwise or the customer organises the transport himself or collects the ordered product from the seller.

3. The shipping costs of the product (including transport costs, delivery and postal service) are presented to the customer on the website of the online shop, during the order, but also at the moment of signing the contract. The shipping costs depend on the distance of the customer’s delivery address. The total amount of the order, which includes the product price and the shipping costs, will be sent with the confirmation of the order influence.

4. After receiving the delivery, the customer should check the state of the goods in the presence of the supplier. In case of any damage to the goods, it is recommended to cancel the acceptance of the delivery or to draw up a damage report indicating the state and circumstances of the damaged goods, which may facilitate the claim process.

5. The date of realisation and the shipping costs are indicated individually for each product in each offer.

6. The date of dispatch/delivery of the product shall be considered as a clear completion of the order.

7. Oakly products are shipped from Poland, which may affect or extend the delivery time abroad. In any case, the customer will be informed about the latest status or changes in the shipping or delivery date.

8. If delivery is not made due to incorrect or incomplete information about the customer’s delivery address, the seller will re-ship at the customer’s expense if the customer agrees to pay the re-shipping costs specified in the product description. The reshipment is valid only after the payment of the amount due.


§ 8
Warranty conditions


1. The Online Shop is obliged to provide the Customer with undamaged goods, which may affect the warranty, among other things. In case of defects of the purchased products, the Customer is entitled to take legal action pursuant to Art.556 and others of the Polish Civil Code of 23.04.1963 (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 121, as amended), in particular concerning the warranty.

2. Complaints should be sent to the address of the company’s registered office, which is written in § 1 par. 1 of the regulation. The complaint should contain the following points: Customer data, information on the subject of the type of damage and the date on which the damage was detected, the customer’s claim and, in case of doubt, also a purchase confirmation of the product complained about. The above-mentioned content has a recommended character, which also allows complaints in another form.

3. The online shop will answer the customer’s complaint within 14 days.

4. The warranty circumstances for the customer are clear with Polish legislation.

5.  In order for the product to be covered by a repair warranty or replacement, the following steps must be fulfilled:

– the product is for indoor use and storage only,

– there must be no sudden changes in temperature or humidity in the room,

– no sharp objects may be used when unpacking the product on one’s own,

– periodic conservation and everyday care conditions must be fulfilled according to the instructions sent,

– only recommended preservatives may be used,

– the written protocol of the supplier or driver (in case of damage during delivery to the customer).

6. The guarantee does not cover mechanical damage caused by incorrect use of the product (e.g. knocks, fittings, cracks, burns, etc.).


§ 9
The right to assign the contract


1. Pursuant to Art. 27 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827), the customer, who is considered a consumer and has concluded a distance contract by means of the online shop, may withdraw from it within 14 days without stating the reason for the withdrawal and the return of the goods.

2. The customer should immediately inform the seller of the intention to return the goods.

3. The customer may make use of a model declaration of withdrawal from the contract, which is an annexe to the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827).

4. In case of withdrawal from the contract, the contract is considered invalid. If the customer, as a consumer, has submitted a notice of withdrawal before the seller has accepted his offer, the offer is no longer considered binding.

5. In case of withdrawal from the contract, the product will be returned to the seller’s address at the customer’s expense.

6. If the customer has chosen a delivery method other than that offered by the seller, the seller is not obliged to reimburse the customer for the additional costs incurred.

7. The returned product must not show any trace of use or damage.

8. If the product should have a hidden defect, this should be reported to the seller immediately (directly after receiving the goods).

9. The money for the product will be refunded within 14 days of receiving the refunded goods.

10. The returned product must be appropriately secured so that no transport damage can occur. The customer is responsible for any transport damage.

11. When ordering customised products (other dimensions, tabletop thickness, colour, materials, etc.), there is no possibility of refunding the purchased goods.

12. Please note that when you purchase a personalised product you do not have the option to return it.



§ 10
Out-of-court options
Consideration of complaints and redress 


1. ​​ If the seller has not accepted the complaint from the customer, as a consumer, and the customer does not agree with this decision, the customer has the right to make use of extrajudicial possibilities of taking complaints into account and redress. More details on out-of-court complaint handling and redress can be found, among others, on the websites of the Municipal Consumer Ombudsman, the Regional Inspectorates of the Trade Inspectorate and the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection.

2. In particular, the customer, as a consumer, has that right:

a) to apply to the relevant Regional Inspectorate of Labour Inspection with a request for mediation on the subject of amicable settlement of the dispute between the customer and the seller, pursuant to Art. 36 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Labour Inspection (Journal of Laws No. 4, item 25, as amended).

b) to apply for settlement of a dispute arising from a concluded purchase contract by a permanent arbitration court at the relevant Regional Inspectorate of Labour Inspection, pursuant to Art. 37 of the Act of 15 December 2000 on Labour Inspection (Journal of Laws No. 4, item 25, as amended).

c) to use the Internet Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform, accessible at, in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the online system for the settlement of consumer disputes and amendments to Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.


§ 11
Data protection


1. The seller processes the customer’s personal data for the purpose of concluding and implementing the contract (in particular for billing and delivery), in accordance with the law of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926) and the provisions of the law of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422, as amended).

2. The provision of personal data is voluntary. The Client has the right to access, complete, update, improve, temporarily or permanently withhold the processing of or completely delete his/her data.

3. The administrator of the client’s personal data is the seller, according to § 1 paragraph 1 regulation.

4. For statistical purposes and to ensure the highest quality, the Online Shop uses data stored by the server on the Customer’s computer/end device and subsequently read during each connection with the browser (so-called “cookie files”). The browser has a default option that allows “cookie files” to be stored on the customer’s terminal. The client can change this option at any moment in the settings of his browser so that the browser does not accept this type of data or the client is informed of this when using it.


§ 12


1. The Seller acknowledges all consumer rights provided for in general legislation, in particular the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827) and the Civil Code. For this reason, the present regulation does not aim to eliminate or even limit consumer rights. Any possible doubts should be acknowledged at the convenience of the customers using the online shop. If the consequences of the present regulation are at least not as favourable as the above-mentioned codes, they will be considered irrelevant and the provisions of the above-mentioned codes will be applied in their place.

2.  Changes to the present regulations may be introduced on important grounds, in particular, due to the adaptation of the present regulation to current legislation. In the event that a contract without a term is signed on the basis of the existing regulations, the update shall be considered binding for the client if the update includes the previous requirements, in accordance with Art. 384 and 384.1 of the Civil Code, i.e. the client has been duly informed of the changes and has not withdrawn from the contract within 14 days of notification. In the case of contracts other than termless contracts, changes to the present regulation will not affect in any way the client’s rights acquired prior to the change.

3. In the case of consumer contracts, the relevant court is assigned in accordance with public law, in particular regulations of the Civil Code. In the case of business contracts, the relevant court is the one assigned to the seller.

4. The contracts through the online shop are concluded in English.

5. Annexing to the regulation, which is considered an integral part, is a model declaration of withdrawal from the contract.

If you still have questions, get in touch with us right away.

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